Provides built-in production ready features to monitor and manage your application.
Why is it important?
Gives you the ability to monitor and manage your application.
Built in endpoints
Ability to view real time metrics
Dependencies :-
Endpoints & Purpose
/health :- Shows application health information, useful for checking the status of the application, such as database connectivity, disk space and custom health checks.
/info :- Displays arbitrary application information, commonly used to display application version, git commit information etc.
/metrics :- shows 'metrics' information that allows you to understand the performance and behaviour of your running application.
/loggers :- Allows you to query and modify the logging level of your application loggers.
/beans :- Provides a complete list of all the spring beans in your application.
/shutdown :- Allows your application to be gracefully shutdown.
There are much more endpoints available in SpringBoot actuator , you can explore but these are some common endpoints which you should keep in your mind while working with spring boot actuator.
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